Post of the year in hockeybuzz forums

February 27th, 2009 by HBH | Filed under Eklunds Wall of Shame, From The Admin.

I was just sent this and had to pass it on.  Its a reply to a late night blog by Eklund where he rambles off about lack of sleep and his family etc:

Hey Ek, please refrain from the home life melodrama. Nobody comes here to hear you whine about your lack of sleep, your sick children or your dog. If you insist on playing an annonymous character, then don’t try and bring other characters into the plot.
It’s bad enough you have your sidekick scooby, we don’t need Peebles and Bambam too.
As you demanded from ‘Puckdaddy’ on your infamous Twitter rant, ‘stick to hockey’.
- Barx
